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A Hearty Hike at Amicalola Falls - One of the Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia

Rumor had it that this past weekend was meant to be nice and cool by Georgia standards. That means somewhere in the 80s for August. A  really good weekend to be outdoors. So, what to do? What to do...

After a little deliberating me and my boys decided to drive up to Amicalola Falls Sunday morning and take a hearty hike up the side of this very steep waterfall. As it was the weekend we slept in a bit, had a cup o' joe, fed the kittens, packed a picnic lunch and hit the road.

The drive is a bit over an hour drive via 575 and takes you through some pretty back roads through Canton, Ball Ground and Marble Hill. There are a few produce stands along the way, too. 

Once you get to the park have $5 in hand to pay for parking. The visitor center has a large parking area and clean rest rooms. Amicalola Falls State Park is friendly to leashed dogs and is a great place for kids. There are 2 small playgrounds by the visitor center, a couple of pavilions for parties and areas where you can barbeque.

A short walk through the woods will that take you to the start of the trail and a nice little reservoir (no swimming allowed). You can't see the waterfall from here but you do feel a drop in temperature. Moving water must be close!

From here you begin to move up the mountain. Amicalola Falls is 729 feet and the highest waterfall in Georgia (source: Wikepedia). Be prepared for the walk up to take an hour with stops to rest and to take photos. 

For someone who is not an avid hiker Amicalola Falls is an ideal place to hike. It's well paved until you get to the steeper part of the waterfall. Then there are metal steps with railings and many opportunities to sit and catch a breath. Even if you're not tired you'll want to stop and check out the view. And, the water flow acts as a natural air conditioner. It really takes the edge off a warm summer day.

These photos are no comparison to how pretty and peaceful it is at Amicalola Falls. The air gets cooler and the view more spectacular with each step upward.

After a good bit of walking on the path you'll come to the steps leading up the waterfall. Lewis wasn't exactly happy...

... but he was a trooper. We did make it to the top. I think the picnic lunch waiting for him was high motivation. And he did notice that the view was getting more and more pretty. In order to see the waterfall you need to walk a good part of the trail.

Chris and Lewis on the bridge over Amicalola Falls.
There are still more steps to get to the top.
But this is the place to be for the best view of the waterfall.

The view from the top.


This is one of several areas to picnic at the top of the falls.

Going down is so much easier than coming up!

Ready to go home!
If you haven't ever been and have always wanted to go, well, what are you waiting for? It's supposed to rain on Saturday but the forecast for Sunday looks amazing. Just go!

$5 Parking Fee
280 Amicalola Falls State Park Rd, Dawsonville, GA 30534

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