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Cozy Living with Hygge (pronounced Hoo-ga)

Three popular components of Hygge - a hot drink, a sweet treat and candles.

Hygge is a lifestyle that is part of the Danish way of life and something we all could use. It's a cozy, relaxed way of spending time with friends and family as well as solo. In my family it was called "Gemutlichkeit". My grandmother, who usually spoke German, used to say that word whenever she ate something she especially enjoyed.

I just finished reading a fantastic book on the subject of Hygge, written by the director of the Happiness Institute in Copenhagen, Meik Wiking. Yes, there does exist a Happiness Institute where happiness is studied under a microscope. What an amazing concept. Anyway, the book is entitled The Little Book of Hygge and I have to say it is a gem of a read. The design of the printed book itself is very hygge, perfectly sized to read in bed or a cozy chair. Printed on beautiful paper with a smooth, colorful cover. Full of sweet little illustrations to enhance the mood of the book. But, no photographs to dictate to the reader what hygge actually looks like. Hygge is very subjective and I appreciate the lack of photography.

Spending time reading a book with a hot drink is considered very hygge.

However, because this is a blog and not a book I'm going to provide my readers with photos of some special hygge activities and objects.

Spending time with family is a hygge activity. In Denmark board games are very popular. Another popular activity is TV or movie night. Because hygge gatherings are meant to be social many Danes put on episodes or movies everyone has been many times so that the conversational interruptions don't bother those watching the show.

Hygge by yourself. Hygge is a noun and a verb. You can hygge. You can have hygge. This little man is having a very hyggelicht time cozying under a blanket with a cookie and a book.

Spending time in the fresh air wearing cozy clothing is very hygge. Doing that with family is even more hygge.

In order to understand hygge one must endure some unhygge things. Such as being cold in the snow (although the little guy here doesn't seem to mind). The point is that being cold will make the hot drink and cozy warm indoors feel even more secure, comfortable and enjoyable. That is so very hygge.

Campfires and fire places are considered to be quintessentially hygge. Cooking food over the fire is even more hygge. Doing so with a beer or hot drink in hand chatting with a friend is uber hygge.

Danes are very keen to find hygge lighting. Hygge lighting is very diffused and low. The less light there is the greater the hygge. The lighting on this deck is very hygge.

A cozy spot is quintessentially hygge. This is my studio, probably a bit too cluttered to feel hygge to a Dane but it is absolutely perfect for me. It's lush and colorful and cozy. I feel safe and secure in this space.

This is my husband's hygge spot. A mid-century modern reading nook that we saved up for months to purchase. Another concept of hygge relates to the acquisition of things for your home. Danes often will wait to make a special purchase until they have something to celebrate so they can associate that memory with the purchase. For us, this chair and ottoman were purchased the day after Christmas at a floor sale a few years ago. We had the money saved a couple of months earlier but waited for the sale to get the best chair we could get for what we could afford to spend. After the chair and ottoman were purchased we went across the street to Yeah!Burger and ate outside under heat lamps. I still remember that day and associate this nook with that happy day.

However, hygge does not have to be expensive. Really, you need very little to have a hyggelicht time. A cookie and a cup of tea, a muffin and coffee are all you really need. But, you need to be mindful while you enjoy these things. Don't rush though them. That is very unhygge. Any time you savor a moment by watching the sun set, sipping a beverage and really tasting it, laughing with friends in a no rush kind of way... you are enjoying hygge.

In many ways animals know how to hygge best. These two kitties really get it and can set a good example for all of us. Take a moment to relax now and again and life will be OK.

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